Tip Sheets for Going Back to School

Pursuing your BSN while employed at UVA?

Tips to make the transition as seamless as possible!
     1.    Prior to deciding on a Nursing School consider whether the school’s educational program will help you to achieve what you are interested in:
     2.    Nursing programs are far from one-size fits-all:
          a.    A few key points that signify a high-quality nursing program:
               i.    Accreditation: You want to make sure that the program you are going to be selecting has obtained the proper accreditation that will give you the appropriate education for the role(s) that you are pursuing.
               ii.    Curriculum: Defines the educational approach that aligns with your professional goals in how you provide patient care.
               iii.    Flexible Learning options: Allows you flexibility to pursue different methods of learning like on-line or night classes but this needs to be identified early in the program selection process.
     3.    Consider participating in the UVA RN to BN Mentorship Program that can give you support to be successful. Participation can be either before to while enrolled in a program. The PNSO website will have more information.
     4.    Be informed on the UVA tuition reimbursement policy and process
     5.    Application Components to consider when writing your essay:
          a.    Write a compelling personal essay that would set you apart from others
          b.    Supportive Recommendation Letters
          c.    Presentation of your application
     6.    Be resilient
     7.    When you are ready to begin your clinical practicum:
          a.    Notify the UVA Nursing Student Placement Coordinator in NPDS at least three  months in advance that you would like to do your BSN practicum work at UVA:
               i.    Provide the dates of your practicum
               ii.    Have your School of Nursing notify the UVA Nursing Student Placement Coordinator in NPDS that you will be doing your BSN practicum at UVA identifying the area of the practicum.
              iii.    Identify your preceptor and their role and be sure that they have agreed to be your preceptor.
              iv.    If you have not been able to identify a preceptor work with the UVA Nursing Student Coordinator to identify someone to fulfill the role of preceptor for your BSN practicum.
               v.    Submit your University Number so that a Student badge can be requested for your practicum.
               vi.    Make sure the School of Nursing preceptor agreement has been signed by your preceptor along with submission of their Curriculum Vitae.
               vii.    Share the practicum objectives with your preceptor so that they can support you with your achievement of them.
     8.    Notify your manager that you will be pursuing your practicum and ask them to email the UVA Nursing Student Placement Coordinator in NPDS stating that you will be pursuing your BSN practicum and that you understand that you will not be compensated for time spent working on your practicum
For additional information on each section, please contact the NPDS Website!


Thinking About Going To Nursing School

There are several questions that you will need to do some background research on as you consider going to nursing school.
     1.    What type of a nursing position or program do you envision yourself interested in?
     2.    Are there any personal considerations that would impact the type of nursing education that you would pursue over another, like length of program, future positions or roles, or do you have a degree in another field?
     3.    Do I understand what the job specific responsibilities are and what will the day to day duties be like?
     4.    How can I find out what would be the most appropriate nursing school for the role that I am pursuing before making a decision?
          a.    Take the time to:
               i.    Attend nursing school information sessions. It will give you an opportunity to meet important members of the faculty, to learn more about what you can expect to learn from the program and to have a chance to ask the questions that pertain to what you need to know.
               ii.    Know the academic requirement for the Nursing Program you are selecting.
Nursing programs are far from a one-size fits-all.
      1.    A few key points that signify a high-quality nursing program:
          a.    Accreditation: You want to make sure that the program you are going to be selecting has obtained the proper accreditation that will give you the appropriate education for the role that you are pursuing and your future pursuits.
          b.    Curriculum: Educational approach that aligns with your professional goals in how you provide patient care.
          c.    Flexible Learning options: Allows you flexibility to pursue learning different methods of learning like on-line or night classes but this needs to be identified early in the program selection process.
     2.    Application Components
          a.    Write a compelling personal essay that would set you apart from others.
          b.    Supportive Recommendation Letters.
          c.    Presentation of your application:
               i.    Organized and is submitted before the deadline.
               ii.    Make sure that all questions have been answered in your admission packet.
               iii.    Quadruple check your packet to make sure that it is complete, spelling is   accurate and it flows and truly reflective of you.
     3.    Be resilient
          a.    Recognize that the first attempt may not be the only attempt for admission.
          b.    You are not the only one involved in this process. It is a competitive process.
          c.    Stay positive and persistent. This is a good all round life skill.

Please refer to the NPDS Website for additional information in each step to support you!

Edited by: Pamela Morris Updated: December 10, 2024