Bylaws and Operational Guidelines
The nursing professional governance model practiced by the NPGO is guided by two sets of documents, the Bylaws and the Operational Guidelines.
The Bylaws were first adopted by the NPGO membership in June 2000 and serve as a high-level framework for the mission of the NPGO. Its contents are reviewed annually by the Cabinet to identify potential amendments, which are put to a full membership vote during October elections.
The Bylaws provide a set of principles which are applied to the daily operations of the NPGO; the actual processes for implementing the Bylaws' principles can flex and evolve to meet the needs of the organization. A growing set of Operational Guidelines describes the NPGO's working processes, reviewed at a minimum three-year cycle and approved by a vote of Cabinet.
- The NPGO Bylaws, last updated following the November 2022 voting and elections. No amendments were proposed in 2022. The revisions made were to ensure the Bylaws accurately reflected the organizational structure as depicted by the 2022 diagram. The missions, purposes, reporting, and intent of the formal professional governance groups did not change as a result of the new structure. What changed was thinking of the groups in terms of the outcomes served; that is, wither Patient-focused, or RN/Team-focused.
Operational Guidelines:
- OG 1: Choosing Cabinet Members
- OG 2: Selecting Candidates for President-Elect, Nominating Committee and Cabinet (link to Candidacy Application Form for Candidates)
- OG 3: Providing Communication to NPGO Members
- OG 5: Committee Meeting Process
- OG 6: Representation to Committees Affecting the Practice of Nursing
- OG 8: Clinical Career Ladder Oversight
- OG 9: Peer Review and Self-Evaluation (last rev 10/2023)
- OG 10: Central Clinical Practice Committee
- OG 11: Professional Development Committee