Excellence in Interprofessional Collaboration Award

The Nursing Professional Governance Organization (NPGO) will honor one team member from UVA Health for the Excellence in Interprofessional Collaboration Award.


Nominations are accepted during a 6 week period beginning in mid-January each year.  Nomination exemplars must be a minimum length of 300 words and include specific examples in order to be eligible.  Nominations are de-identified and assigned by category to committee members for review.  Members may not participate in the review and selection of a category that includes a nominee that is a co-worker or other relation that poses a conflict of interest.  Award recipients are announced at a presentation event during Nurses' Week each year in May.

Purpose: To recognize any patient care provider who contributes to quality, collaborative care.


  • Nominees must have been employed by UVA Health for at least 12 months
  • Nominees must have completed their area orientation by time of submission.
  • The nominee’s manager/direct supervisor must support the nomination.
  • Any Medical Center employee, NPGO Member, or UVA School of Nursing student may nominate a non-nurse for this award.


Specific examples must be cited for nominations to be considered.  These examples should have occurred within the last 12 months and be written as narratives or stories consistent with the award criteria.  They should also demonstrate the nominee’s involvement in patient care activities. Nominations will only be considered if they include specific examples.  A specific example must be submitted for each criterion in order to be considered complete and valid.  Any clinical acts referenced must be consistent with policies and procedures outlined by the Health System.  Written nominations should provide evidence of how the nominee demonstrates:

  • VALUES: Embrace the cultural diversity and individual differences that characterize patients, populations, and the health team.
  • RESPONSIBILITIES: Use the full scope of knowledge, skills, and abilities of professionals from health and other fields to provide care that is safe, timely, efficient, effective, and equitable.
  • COMMUNICATION: Listen actively, and encourage ideas and options of other team members.
  • TEAMWORK: Apply leadership practices that support collaborative practice and team effectiveness.


Edited by: Pamela Morris Updated: November 26, 2024