Certification Recognition Boards

One of the ways to recognize our certification achievements is by posting a wall plaque in your practice area, with nameplates listing each certified nurse's/team member's name and credentials. Team members and RN specialty credentials should be displayed using separate certification boards:

Managers (or their designee) may use these instructions to request a new or updated certification board for RNs.

Managers (or their designee) may use these instructions to request a new or updated certification board for non-RNs.

These instructions are for our new process designed to enable these boards to be maintained by each respective local area.

When to consider ordering a new certification recognition board:

  • After several team members become certified
  • During February of each year to prepare for National Certified Nurses Day
  • After there has been a season of new hires and terminations
  • Following department certification goal setting and evaluation
Edited by: Pamela Morris Updated: January 28, 2025