Timeline and Steps
Timeline to Complete Two Peer Reviews for FY2025
For specifics about the Annual Performance Appraisal timeline, tools and more, please access the HR Performance Management website.
*Recommend create/communicate pairs in advance as part of the preparation process.
Steps for Completing Peer Reviews:
Create non-self-selected pairs for Peer Review
- Local Professional Governance committee members create peer review pairs using the considerations below and provide the list to the manager to enter the request into Workday. STICU’s process is shared as an example.
- The alternate process is for the non-self-selected peer review pairs to be created by the Manager.
- The NPGO Professional Development Committee recommends that pairs are created and communicated several weeks ahead of peer review occurring. This allows time to build a relationship before the peer review and sharing their self-reflections with each other.
Select a colleague for the self-selected Peer Review
- Use the considerations below, or as outlined in the Operational Guideline
Enter the request in Workday:
Workday Templates
For Non-Self-Selected Requests that are entered by Manager:
- Select “NPGO Peer Review-Team Members- Locked Template
- Managers follow this Workday Job Aid
For Self-Selected Peer Review Requests entered by the team member:
- Select “NPGO Peer Review – Team Member Self-Selected Template”
- Follow Job Aid in left column
Validate that “Share with Others” is selected for Feedback Sharing section to ensure it is visible to the peer and manager for inclusion in the annual performance appraisal.
Your peer review assignment will appear in your Workday inbox.
Schedule time to connect in person – ideally 30 minutes in a private space
Make notes about yourself using the Preparation Tool and save for later
Please note: The Preparation Tool and non-formal Nurse Leader peer review templates use the categories from the UVA Health UMC Professional Practice Model, which is applicable to all RN roles and settings. This is to be used for all UVA Registered Nurses who are not formal Nurse Leaders.
Meet and share! Following the tool, discuss for each section:
- Specific examples
- Strengths
- Areas for growth
Remember: Peer Review it’s not a crucial conversation – those should be held separately.
Enter comments and submit in Workday about your peer from your discussion
TIP: When creating peer review pairs, consider the following:
- Years of experience
- RN job title (e.g. Charge Nurse, RN Care Coordinator, etc.), Clinical Career Ladder level, or like tenure/experience
- Department roles (e.g. preceptor, champion, etc.)
- How frequently the pair work together (example: similar shifts)
- Collaborator on a project or professional governance committee
Formal Nurse Leaders – please refer to the Nurse Leader specific process information and tools provided.